Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Two months!

Dear Hannah,

Right now I am laying in bed with you sleeping in your bassinet right next to me {I probably should be sleeping too} I can't help to think about how blessed I am to have you in my life and how thankful I am to be your mother. I'm going to be honest it still feels a little weird and very surreal, in a good way of course. Time has flown! I feel like it was just yesterday I was staring with an unbelieving smile at that positive pregnancy test. My pregnancy seemed to drag on and now here you are just a few days short of TWO months old! Time is going too fast now that you are here! So fast that I feel like I can't take it all in!

Hannah, you are getting so big! You can hold your head up pretty good; you've really been able to do that since day one, but your getting so much better at it everyday. You also rolled over from front to back a few weeks ago {7 weeks old!} You are our strong little girl!I've tried to get it on video for proof, but you always roll over right when I put the camera down! Little stinker!

You are so curious about everything around you. You love it when we hold you in a sitting position or better yet up on your feet so that you can look around. Oh, you love to look around. Whenever you find anything of great interest, you will focus in and stare for quite sometime. You still especially love to stare at our bedroom curtains in the mornings with light coming through. You also have been focusing on us a lot more too! You will just stare at us when we talk to you AND you always reward us with that beautiful smile of yours! Not only to we get rewarded with your smile, but you have definitely been chiming in with your own little stories with your little gurgles and coos. I love it! I love just sitting there having our mommy & daughter story time.

Nights have been so nice lately! You used to wake up every two hours to eat, now you will sleep anywhere from 3 to 5 hours! I'm definitely loving that! It is for sure a step up from the 2 hour stretches! Right now your bed time is anywhere from 10-12 and you usually wake up 4 or 5 hours, then you will sleep for 3 hours. Keep it up sweet cheeks :) {or better yet, lets make it only one time during the night :)}

Hannah baby, I can't imagine life without you! You are my angel! I feel so very lucky to have such a sweet baby girl! I can't wait for all the adventures we have ahead of us!

Love always,


Two months Sats:
11 lbs 4 oz (61%)
23.7 inches (91%)
15.5" head circumference  (66%)

Sister (mommy)
Monkey (daddy)
Sweet pea

1 comment:

  1. love this post. you sound like a great mom. Cant wait till my little one comes! Hannah is so beautiful!
