Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"New" crib!

I FINALLY set up missy Miss's crib! I was waiting until her room was done but I give up! should have done this a long time ago! She sleeps so good in it!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


For some time now i have been meaning to write down some of Hannah's funny little quirks that she has so far. She does so many funny little things that just make me smile. She is definitely unique in her own special way.

• She does NOT like to be swaddled. Even as a tiny newborn she hated when the nurses swaddled her. Spencer even said that in the nursery all the other babies were crying because they were not swaddled, nit Hannah. She just laid there sprawled out Just chilling.

•She doesn't do this anymore, but up until she was two months old she would bury her head in the crook of my arm after she was done nursing. I looked so funny!

•She is so so so busy that she is constantly on the move! Even if she is nursing! The whole time she is either playing with my face/nose/lips/hair, plays with my necklace twiddling it between her fingers, or petting my arm. It's so funny she really can't sit still!

•she is a momma's girl! Has been since she was a tiny baby. So much that she was trying to scoot along the floor at 10 weeks old in order to get to me! She couldn't quite use her arms yet so she looked like a little inch worm.

•She does not like me to cover her up while nursing. I can put a blanket on her as long as it is below her shoulder. If I ever try to cover her arm (or head when i'm trying to be discreet) she will fling it off with her arm.

•she is so determined to get up and run that as soon as she learns one skill she is literally trying to figure out the next before she has even mastered one. For example a month ago just finally figured how to use her arm while scooting on her belly using And the next thing I know she is trying to crawl. She only did the whole army crawling for about a week! I swear she is going to be walking soon! (7 months)

•she is THE. LIGHTEST. SLEEPER in the world!! The smallest tiniest noise wakes her up. Makes it a little difficult for nap time.

•whenever she sees people she puts her hand up in the air almost as if she is saying "hi". I really think she is too, a few times I've told her to say hi and she does it! (7 months)

• she HATES the carseat! She wishes she she could just stand at the car window and lick it.

These are the quirks so far, I'm sure I'll add more to this list as this little busy bee sassy pants gets bigger!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

7 months!

Sassy Sister! You are 7 months old today! Oh boy! It seems like I was just writing about your sixth month! Craziness! You have learned so much in the past few weeks! And the things you started to learn a month ago you have perfected! Here are your newest tricks.

~You are REALLY good at pulling yourself up on things now! If you see anything that might possibly be a good spot to pull up on you try it out! Sometimes it doesn't work out so well but have no fear! You quickly find something else!
~you are VERY quick with the army crawl! Especially if you see something that looks good enough to shove into your mouth (which you are also very quick to do) You see THE.SMALLEST.THINGS! I don't even see them until you quickly head toward it.
~ Apparently the whole scooting on your belly is old news, even though you just mastered it TWO weeks ago! You are already starting to try crawling on your knees. You will do a couple strides on your knees, but then you go back to the belly since it's quicker. I am sure you will have it down soon (too soon if you ask me!)
~You have become pro at pushing yourself into sitting position from your belly and back again.
~ You have started to sign "milk". You sign it pretty much every time you are hungry. Love it!
~You have started to like other people and you really try to engage them with the biggest smile and leaning towards them. You will even let others (even complete strangers) hold you.

You have grown and learned so much in such a short time! A lot of those things you learned seriously happened within a week! I can't believe how fast you are learning new things! You are very determined and have no fear!

Love ya baby girl!