Wednesday, September 21, 2011

38 Weeks!!

only 2 WEEKS and counting!! (unless you are the select few that think I am going to go over my due date).. I feel HUGE and so ready to have this baby! I am getting very anxious to see my baby girl and to hold her, I hope she decides to come soon!

 Some things about baby girl:
  • She has calmed down a lot, and doesn't move quite as much as she used it (although it may be the lack of room she has in there)
  • She gets hiccups a lot! At least everyday! 
  • She apparently likes to keep her hands near her head, because quite frequently I get a tickle on my bladder or nice little jabs to my pelvic bone. 
  • She still likes to stretch her feet close to my ribs, luckily I haven't gotten too many kicks, just some discomfort.
All about the pregnancy:
  • I though I hit the uncomfortable stage months ago, but now I really am in the uncomfortable stage! Everything hurts! My back, ribs, legs, hands, etc...
  • the heart burn SUCKS! I wake up every night with heartburn! I have gone through a whole bottle of tums with this pregnancy, and I am starting on my second one... yuck!
  • Oh the insomnia! I am so tired from not getting ANY sleep! I guess I better just get used to it. and Hey if you ever need to talk at 3 AM, hit me up! 
  • I am so ready to be done, although I know I will miss some things about being pregnant... for one, I have an excuse to look "fat" I'm carrying a little human inside of me! which brings us to number two, I am carrying a HUMAN inside of me! It is so weird to think of and so amazing at the same time! Three: i love feeling baby girl  move around in there! I know it will be amazing to actually have her here, but I still will miss feeling her kicking and moving all day and night long! 
Anyways, let the countdown begin! I hope she comes sooner than Later!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures! So great to have it documented. I seriously regret not getting maternity pics done! I can completely relate to wanting to be done... but you hit the nail on the head: You will miss it! I swore up and down that I hated being pregnant and could not wait to be done, but now I want to be pregnant so badly! (I'm not BABY hungry.... I'm baby BELLY hungry). =) I've even had dreams where I can feel a baby kicking.
